Eginity has been invited to attend Entrepreneur Funding Boot Camp
October 30, 2009

Based on our performance at the Right-Hand Partners Visibility Conference, Eginity has been invited to attend Entrepreneur Funding Boot Camp at the law offices of Hanson Bridgett in San Francisco, CA on November 6, 2009.  The event is produced and sponsored by Verge Innovation Group, which provides strategic growth plan development, resource acquisition and management, and capital raising strategies for emerging, high-opportunity companies.  Keiretsu Forum San Francisco/North Bay, the world’s largest angel investment network with over 750 accredited investor members on three continents, is hosting the event.  Keiretsu Forum members provide early-stage capital in the range of $250-$2 million to high quality, diverse investment opportunities and collaborate in the due diligence, but make their own individual investment decisions.

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