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Archive for the ‘smart news’ Category

A look at some exciting gadgets from the near future

Monday, October 26th, 2009

“A radio without any knobs. A bathroom where a clear display wirelessly streams vital statistics on your health. And a user interface that takes brain waves and translates them into commands for a computer.  These are some of the products in development by Cambridge Consultants, a product design and development company. It showed off some of its latest inventions at a daylong event last week in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Check out these sweet ideas, many of which are set to hit retail shelves in the next few weeks.”

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A preview of the five new breakthrough technologies that will emerge in the next few years, including what they do and how they work

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

“…In our preview of technologies that are well on their way to reality, we look at the connective tissue of USB 3.0, 802.11ac, and 802.11ad for moving media–especially video–faster; at HTML5 for displaying video and content of all kinds consistently across all our devices; at augmented reality to see how the digital world will stretch into our physical reality by overlaying what we see with graphics and text; and at 3D TV, which will add image depth and believability to the experience of watching TV.”

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Gartner’s list of top 10 technologies includes mobile applications and cloud computing

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

“The top strategic technology in Gartner Inc.’s annual top 10 list was cloud computing, but the one that may have been of the most interest to Bill Piatt, the CIO of the International Finance Corp., was last on the list, and that’s mobile applications.  About 60% of the ICF’s staff, which is part of the World Bank, is based overseas, mostly in emerging markets, and “the only thing that works reliably in emerging markets is cell phones,” Piatt said.”

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The Wi-Fi Alliance has announced a new specification that will enable certified devices to communicate with each other directly – without a wireless hub

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

“…The potential impact of this new Wi-Fi standard could be far-reaching. Not only will devices be able to “speak” to each other, reducing or even eliminating the need for wireless hubs, but this could be what makes cell phone and gadget makers add Wi-Fi to their own devices. Imagine being able to send videos straight to your TV from your computer or sending instructions from your netbook to your favorite gadgets.”

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Moving beyond Web 2.0 to Web Squared – a concept that creates new real-time internet applications based on openness and collaboration

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

“It is nearly five years since internet guru Tim O’Reilly came up with the term Web 2.0 to signal a second coming of the web after the dot com bust.  Since that time, the core ideas of Web 2.0 ­– of the internet as a computing platform and of value being created by linking people and/or applications online ­ – have also entered the mainstream. No chief information officer (CIO) can ignore Web 2.0 developments. But it is only natural to question what will come next. And according to O’Reilly, Web 2.0’s successor will be web to the power of two, or “Web Squared”.

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A consumer approach to RFID can help end users achieve a faster ROI

Monday, October 5th, 2009

“…But the industry has evolved, and both passive and active RFID technologies have matured immensely. It’s no longer necessary to conduct 10- or 12-week studies on what kind of tag to use, how to install interrogators and so on. As a result, now there’s a trend toward packaged solutions—taking a consumer approach to deploying the technology. This means that one company implements the solution, even if it requires a combination of technologies to provide the best ROI for the customer. There are packaged solutions for tracking assets in a facility or yard, or combining RFID with GPS to track containers en route. There are also specific solutions for IT assets, hospital equipment and patients, and art and other high-value assets.”

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The Web Squared Era is being powered by smart sensors and is set to be huge

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

“It is hard to imagine that five years ago, neither YouTube, Facebook nor Twitter existed. But even then, as sites like Google, Amazon, Wikipedia and craigslist flourished, the characteristics common to successful second-generation Web businesses were becoming apparent: Their value was facilitated by software and created collectively by and for a community of connected users. These sites leveraged the Web not simply as a means to publish static documents but for the first time as a platform–which was significant in its generative properties as the personal computer was for desktop applications. The new sites also sparked a revolution in business, culture, society and, most recently, government.”

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Sensor engineers listed as one of “The New Jobs of the New Web”

Monday, September 14th, 2009

“The digital world is changing rapidly. The explosion of social networking and the emergence of the real-time web in Twitter, FriendFeed and Google Wave are bringing new challenges and opportunities. The shifting landscape means that companies will need people with unique skills — whole new careers are being created. Companies should be thinking about the skills that they’ll need — and start planning to acquire them now.”
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ReadWriteWeb lists The Internet of Things as one of the Top 5 Web Trends of 2009

Friday, September 11th, 2009

“This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the 5 biggest Web trends of 2009. So far we’ve explored these trends: Structured Data, The Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality. The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as fridges, lights and toasters) get connected to the Internet. In 2009, this trend has ramped up and is adding a significant amount of new data to the Web.  In this post we’ll see how companies as big as IBM and as small as Pachube are building up this new world of Internet data and services.”

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Verizon and Qualcomm announce a machine-to-machine (M2M) joint venture to deliver wireless services in a range of market segments

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

“Verizon Wireless and Qualcomm have formed a joint venture to deliver machine-to-machine wireless services in a range of market segments, including health care, manufacturing, utilities, distribution and consumer products. The JV, which currently does not have a name, will be equally owned by Verizon and Qualcomm and will be based in San Diego with offices in New Jersey. Financial details were not disclosed.”

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