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Archive for the ‘smart news’ Category

Home health market will explode with the help of sensor technologies

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

“…Home Health Technology is one of the most lucrative markets in today’s economy. Every month approximately one million people turn 60 years old, and 80 percent of them are in developing countries. Not to mention nearly two-thirds of people who have ever lived to the age of 65 are still alive today.

Many CE pros already have the skills they need to succeed in this industry. Health care providers are turning to those who have experience in home automation to set up systems in homes and in long-term care facilities. GrandCare, for example, uses existing protocol-driven sensors such as the Z-Wave mesh network and Bluetooth technology.”

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IBM to show smart home devices at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

Monday, January 4th, 2010

“IBM is pushing for intelligent homes as Internet-connected household devices get access to more online content and services, company officials said on Monday. Entertainment devices like TVs are connecting to online services like Netflix to watch movies, but services can be expanded to cut electricity bills, monitor health and keep homes safe, said Scott Burnett, director of IBM’s digital convergence group.”

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Google and Fujitsu join the IPSO Alliance

Saturday, December 19th, 2009

“…The IPSO Alliance said on Friday that Google and Fujitsu raise the ranks of the year-old organisation to 53 members and bring significant weight to a drive toward a world rich with ‘smart objects’.  ‘Google’s participation in IPSO is a result of its expectation that many devices will become part of the Internet environment,’ said Google vice-president and chief Internet evangelist Vint Cerf. ‘Google’s PowerMeter application makes use of this idea to help Smart Grid users capture and analyse their energy usage information.’

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Five innovations that will change cities in the next five years

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

“…As people move into city buildings at record rates, buildings will be built smartly. Today, many of the systems that constitute a building — heat, water, sewage, electricity, etc. — are managed independently. In the future, the technology that manages facilities will operate like a living organism that can sense and respond quickly, in order to protect citizens, save resources, and reduce carbon emissions. Thousands of sensors inside buildings will monitor everything from motion and temperature to humidity, occupancy, and light. The building won’t just coexist with nature — it will harness it. This system will enable managers to order repairs before something breaks, emergency units to respond quickly with the necessary resources, and consumers and business owners to monitor their energy consumption and carbon emission in real-time and take action to reduce them. Some buildings are already showing signs of intelligence by reducing energy use, improving operational efficiency, and improving comfort and safety for occupants.”

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Machines make 4.3% of U.S. mobile calls, says analyst

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

“…Berg predicts that over the next five years, the number of wireless M2M connections will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.6 percent to reach 187.1 million connections in 2014 when M2M will account for 3.1 percent of the cellular connections.”

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A deluge of data shapes a new era in computing

Monday, December 14th, 2009

“In a speech given just a few weeks before he was lost at sea off the California coast in January 2007, Jim Gray, a database software pioneer and a Microsoft researcher, sketched out an argument that computing was fundamentally transforming the practice of science…as a testimony to his passion and vision, colleagues at Microsoft Research…have published a tribute to Dr. Gray’s perspective in “The Fourth Paradigm: Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery.” It is a collection of essays written by Microsoft’s scientists and outside scientists, some of whose research is being financed by the software publisher. The essays focus on research on the earth and environment, health and well-being, scientific infrastructure and the way in which computers and networks are transforming scholarly communication. The essays also chronicle a new generation of scientific instruments that are increasingly part sensor, part computer, and which are capable of producing and capturing vast floods of data.”

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National Instruments throws its hat into the wireless ring

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

“…The WSN software is based on IEEE 802.15.4 and supports mesh routing and power management capabilities across the network, making it possible to increase measurement distance while maintaining network reliability. The software connects the wireless devices to LabVIEW running on MS Windows or a LabVIEW Real-Time host controller. The measurement nodes are optimized for low-power, multiyear deployment with LabVIEW allowing customization of the embedded software on each node via the LabVIEW Wireless Sensor Network Module Pioneer. LabVIEW also supports seamless integration with wired measurement devices and with a wide range of third-party wireless sensor network platforms.”

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HP Labs has announced a project aimed at becoming a “Central Nervous System for the Earth” that will build a planetwide sensing network

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

“…HP Labs’ ultimate aim is to have a worldwide network of these CeNSE sensors. A trillion of them “should do the trick,” says HP. The company is hoping that at that scale, sensor nodes will cost “next to nothing, yet measure everything.” HP is also positioning this, boldly, as a technology that could “save the planet” by enabling it to be monitored.”

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RFID chip is rumored to be included in a prototype of the fourth-generation iPhone

Friday, November 6th, 2009

“…An RFID reader would scan RFID tags, which consist of a computer chip coupled with an antenna. Data stored on the chip transmits wirelessly through the antenna to an RFID reader operating on the same frequency as the antenna. Many retailers use RFID tags to track products in transit; libraries use RFID tags to track books. RFID tags are also used to track humans or animals for scientific and medical purposes.”

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The annual Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) Five Technology Trends to Watch publication looks at the new technologies that will shape our future

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

“In this year’s 5 Technology Trends to Watch, CEA examines the evolution of content, connected devices in the home, TV beyond HD, connected cars and the smart grid. The publication also takes a peek at the future of CE. For example, IBM is working to develop artificial DNA nanostructures as a framework to build the tiny microchips used in electronics devices. Although still many years out, this work could one day affect how we build, operate and interact with electronics. Learn also about advances in a holographic storage material capable of storing 500GB of data on a DVD-size optical disc — 10 times the amount that can be stored on a dual-layer Blu-ray disc. It’s not here yet, but discs of this size could one day store 3-D video.”

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